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15 Questions as your first step in making your Blog


1. Do you have good communication skills? – People have natural way of communicating with people, so it is not an issue if you have or you don’t have communication skills. It is just your own way on communicating on people.

2. Do you initiate yourself to be a starter? – Even if we have innovative and high-tech way of making blog, it is still YOU who manipulate the faith of your blog and contents. So, take on the initiative and make those innovative and work their works.

3. Are you better at writing or speaking? – We are a writer in our own way, but in order to have a good blog. We must exhibit good contents. So if you like to have blog then, consider having practices in writing.

4. Do you have an interest in blogging or forum? – At first, blog are considered to be an online Journal. But as the internet world change, it also changes the perspectives of the blog. Today, we still consider that blogs are personal and it is really a person to person communication.

5. Can you give it a good attention? – Blogs require attention; it is craving for your time. If you don’t have enough time or this attention, then the change you have to gain success is very very very limited.

6. Is writing one of your hobby? – Blogging can be considered as hobby, it is a good way of wasting time and it gives us relaxation (suppose to be). Once that you have included writing as your hobby then you will easily end up in including also blogging as your hobby and you will gain success in no time.

7. Are you ready for the coincidences? – Blogging is a public way of expressing your opinion; it has the possibility to be seen by hundreds, or thousand or millions (if chances are high) of viewers with different reaction on your work? It will be just normal to see negative and positive comments on your hard made work. And beside, it is good to receive comments, whatever it contains; it is just like a consolation on your part that your work grabs attention.
8. Do you take yourself too seriously? - One of the characteristic I think bloggers should have is a sense of humor - particularly when it comes to looking at them. While there are plenty of examples of bloggers who do take themselves too seriously, most successful bloggers seem to have the ability to laugh at them also.

9. Is your topic conveys clear message? – Do you have plans in expressing your message to each of your viewers?

10. Do you have your aims? - It is a good thing to have aims in making your blog. This will help you much in giving you initiative in making your blog.

11. Do you enjoy online relationships? – Starting blog is also like starting relationships. And blogging connects many links to other people. People of the viewers, other blogs, social communities and self with your blog.

12. Do you still consider yourself as a learner? –“A real genius hears from their fellow” blogging is a continuous way of learning and application of what you have learned. And we have infinite knowledge to acquire of and please consider that “If you learn something, you must learn that you have still many to learn”.
13. Ready to face the life of a busy man? – Gaining success is gaining more jobs to do, and blogging may insert much in your schedule. Especially when you became professional then you will have many e-mails, calls and contents to be done.
14. Are you patient? – Any thing here on earth needs effort and time, making a blog takes time and a lot of effort to be made and access the triumph. It is none sense to do blog and if you don’t want to make it then you just stop accessing it. You are just wasting the space of domain names.

15. Is creativity on your side? Being creative is just a human self explanatory on your side. I think all people are creative in their own ways. So, my great piece of advice is to choose the topic where your creative ideas will come out. And, I tell you that small ideas can spark big pillars of articles.

I hope that I have enlightened your mind it this case that you are making your blog. I wish that you like the question I have put in here. I personally made them base on my experience and other blogs that I have read. I hope that you will react with this article. I am hoping for good reply from you.


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